Environmentally sustainable Environmentally sustainable waste management solutions waste management solutions reduce the time needed for indoor cleaning

We advise our customers on smarter and more environmentally friendly waste sorting. To do this, we recommend moving away from small bins at the workplace and setting up well-designed sorting stations in the building where waste can be collected separately.

The most popular solutions in the Longopac waste management system

Longopac Stand

The simplest ready-made solution on wheels. Applications: commercial kitchens, medical offices, manufacturing facilities, etc.

Longopac Bin

Ready-made cabinet solution for smart waste sorting. Applications: sanitary rooms, offices, small kitchens, etc.

Longopac Flex

Furniture-integrated solution, size adaptable to the interior. Uses: office common areas, kitchen furniture, toilets in shopping centres, etc.

Why choose a Longopac waste management solution for your building?

Option to sort waste using colour-coded plastic bags and labels

Longopac liners with the colour codes recommended by the Ministry of Climate Change are used to ensure waste reaches the correct container.

See how quick and easy it is to use the Longopac system and how durable the Longopac liner is:

Longopac Dart Drop

Longopac Stand Mini Ladda cassette

Longopac liner replacement competition

Check out the different Longopac solutions here:

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