The joy of working and creativity in daily life: the inspiring story of two amazing SOL road markers

Oove and Jaanus, two dedicated road markers from the SOL Baltics Parking Line team, begin their day early in the morning, when dawn is only just beginning to break over the city. During the summer, they can be ready to go by as early as 5.00 am, and be on site by 6.00 am. But in the lead-up to the summer season they start their days later, around 7.00 or 8.00 am. “Since summer hasn’t started yet, we get going a little later, when it’s drier and we can see whether we can do anything,” Oove explains.

Oove (left) and Jaanus (right) in front of the SOL Parkingline office

To face the challenges of a new day, Oove and Jaanus prepare thoroughly the night before by checking their paints, cleaning their stencils and making sure that they have everything they will need. Oove says this system allows them to use their time more efficiently and to be ready to start working immediately. The system proves especially useful in the summer months when they need to arrive on site in the early hours. Every morning, road markers are issued with their plans and schedule, outlining their tasks and specifying who will be working on which site that day. “After that, we prepare the paints and stencils we need according to the plans and put everything in the truck,” Oove says.

Jaanus and Oove marking a crossing.

Oove, who has been with SOL Parkingline for nearly a decade, and Jaanus, who is about to complete his first year with the company, are both road markers with backgrounds in construction. Oove also has experience working as a project manager and sales manager. They both find their job to be varied and to require constant adaption, which is something that can be learned on the job – you simply need to want to do so.

It is important to understand that this is at least a two-person job, meaning that the tasks are always carried out by multiple people, which brings interpersonal relationships into play. Oove finds it easier working with someone who is roughly his own age. “If my colleague was, say, 20 years old, we just wouldn’t click, because our worlds are too different,” he says. “As with people in general, you have to establish your own unique communication style with everyone you meet.” Jaanus says the secret to successful collaboration lies in mutual understanding. “The key is to be on the same page with your work,” he remarks.

Jaanus getting equipment together in the morning.

When asked what the main challenges are in his line of work, Jaanus laughs. “Fighting Mother Nature!” he says. Every day brings new challenges, be it rain, changing conditions or the complexity of the site. All these things have an impact on their work, but they are prepared to face any obstacle. However, they are always delighted when the client engages with them and embraces the ideas and solutions they come up with. “It’s really nice when I think of something the client didn’t think of themselves and that could be done differently or better,” says Oove.

Oove’s Instagram account @oskaronu.

The SOL Parkingline team carries out a wide range of work, such as marking car parks, sports fields and playgrounds, parkinghouses, industrial buildings and warehouses, and installing road signs and safety barriers. Despite this long list of services, Oove doesn’t have a favourite. “Since we get the full four seasons here, in winter that means you do indoor work and you’re inside all the time,” he explains. “So when spring comes, you’re itching to work outdoors again,” Oove explains. “But then in October you’re outside all the time, and you want to go inside again!”

Work and leisure are two key aspects that influence our daily lives and help balance our well-being. In his spare time, Oove likes to immerse himself in books, letting himself be swept up in thrillers and historical facts. The intensity of his work during the summer months leaves little time for anything else, but his love of reading always remains. Jaanus, on the other hand, enjoys cycling and being outdoors. “Summer is mainly about cycling for me,” he reveals. “I cycle 15-20 kilometres after work whenever the weather’s nice, and if I still have time after that, I’ll do some crosswords.”

In addition to reading, Oove has one particularly exciting hobby: running a road-marking Instagram account. He set up the account around three years ago when he upgraded to a new smartphone. The reason he decided to create the account is simple: “Because no one else seems to cover it!” he laughs, adding that it’s just a hobby for him, with no greater purpose attached to it. “As long as I have work here, I’ll keep posting pictures.”

Oove marking a pavement.

Working as part of the SOL Parkingline team is a lot of fun for both Jaanus and Oove and allows them keep active. When asked if being part of the team is enjoyable, Jaanus answers, “Of course, why wouldn’t it be! It’s not so easy to find work, so you have to hold on to what you’ve got.” He would definitely recommend SOL to friends. Oove highlights the physical nature of the work, which can be difficult for some, but fits perfectly with his own lifestyle. “It’s quite physically demanding,” he admits. “You have to bend a thousand times a day and be on your knees another thousand times a day, so it might not be for everyone. But I think it’s a great place to work for anyone who wants to keep active. So of course I recommend it. It’s great!”

The work that SOL’s road markers do is both varied and active. Oove and Jaanus are prime examples of dedication to and passion for their work. Their story demonstrates how working at SOL provides not only career opportunities, but also the opportunity to do what they find enjoyable and satisfying.

Check out this video for a close-up look at a typical day in the life of the SOL Parkingline team:

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