Cleaner Liivi: “I enjoy working in the fresh air”

Liivi’s journey with SOL began quite by chance. “I went to take out the trash at home and saw the cleaning manager Karl and an employee tidying up around the mall. I thought I’d ask if they had any jobs available. At first, I hesitated, took out the trash, and only then approached them. The cleaning manager jokingly said to the employee beside him, ‘See, it’s that easy to recruit workers,’” she recalls with a smile.

Liivi enjoys being physically active

The work is diverse, but her day always starts with assembling the cleaning cart. “I clean up trash outside, whether it’s cigarette butts, leaves, or snow – it depends on the season. I empty trash bins and clear away larger piles of snow. At the end of the day, I do another round to ensure everything is in order.” The fresh air is what she enjoys most. “For a pensioner, this job is convenient because you can be outside a lot and stay active.”

Of course, not everything is always easy. “The biggest challenges are snowstorms like the ones we’ve had recently. The snow gets heavy and wet, and I feel it’s a bit hard for me too, but overall, I still enjoy everything,” she says cheerfully.

When asked what she would do if she weren’t working at SOL, she replies firmly, “I wouldn’t do any other job. In production, you need to be in excellent shape, and I don’t like working indoors. I wouldn’t want a desk job either. I’d still be at SOL, no matter what.”

In her free time, she enjoys walking. “I don’t feel bored or lonely,” she says joyfully. As a child, she dreamed of becoming a draftsman because she loved their drafting tables – they looked beautiful. She was also intrigued by journalism, inspired by reporters she saw on TV, but life took her on a different path.

Funny things also happen at work. “One morning, when I was walking to work wearing my red SOL uniform, there was a group of young men on my street, which has a lot of pubs. They thought I looked like an elf. They wanted to take a picture with me! I told them I didn’t have my broom with me, as that’s part of my kit too. They said it didn’t matter – they still wanted a photo.”

When asked if she would recommend working at SOL, she says, “I definitely would, but the person has to be responsible. You can’t just think you’re a cleaner and slack off all day. You have to keep busy.” She believes this job suits those who like to work independently and follow clear instructions. “The managers are great – they give clear tasks, so you don’t have to overthink what they mean or said,” praises Liivi.

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