Indoor cleaning

Indoor cleaning ensures that the interior of your building looks presentable and makes a good first impression on customers and staff. SOL’s services include regular maintenance cleaning, which includes cleaning surfaces, removing stains from glass surfaces, cleaning floors, providing hygiene supplies and much more.

A clean working environment is appreciated by both employees and customers

MOur sustainable and high-quality indoor cleaning helps maintain high standards of cleanliness. A clean working environment enhances employee well-being and productivity, and gives a professional and reliable impression to customers. SOL’s indoor cleaning and service processes are well-designed and ensure a clean and tidy working environment at all times.

Why order indoor cleaning from SOL?

Environmentally sustainable waste management solutions

Sophisticated sorting stations replace small waste bins, making it easier to separate waste. The result is a cleaner working environment, more efficient cleaning and lower costs.

Professional mop washer saves water and time

We work with machines with environmentally friendly labels. Miele’s professional mop washers use 40% less energy and last up to 12 times longer than domestic machines.

We help you choose the best carpet solution for you

Stratetically installed carpets in indoor areas help reduce cleaning time and extend the life of floor coverings. Our indoor cleaning service includes free consultation to find the right carpet solution for you.

Smart solutions for cleanliness

A chemical-free surface cleaning system, an escalator cleaning system and a foam cleaning system are just some of the smart solutions SOL uses to make the environment cleaner and safer for business customers.

More than 800 satisfied customers

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