Riigi Kinnisvara AS and SOL Baltics have been partners for over ten years. During this time, SOL...
2024 was a productive and successful year for our company. We can confidently say that SOL Baltics...
Lifelong learning is a key strategy in today’s world, supporting employee development and contributing to corporate success....
SOL Baltics has taken a clear stance against domestic abuse by joining the joint project Vägivallavabaks (Employers...
Diversity is important to us. Every employee is unique, bringing with them their skills, experience and background....
Spring has sprung, which means it’s window-washing time! But how can you make window-washing both easy and...
At the end of January, the SOL Baltics leadership team dedicated three days to in-depth sustainability topics...
February is known for many important holidays and celebrations. Valentine’s Day, Shrove Tuesday and Estonian Independence Day...
Thinking is work I’ve been fortunate to be a strategic leader at SOL for the past 10...
In October, SOL Baltics’ employees participated in a seminar conducted by BM Certification that introduced the standards...