SOL Principles of Ethical Business Conduct
Our goal is to provide responsible quality services to our customers.
Our integrated quality, environmental and occupational environment management system complies with the requirements of ISO standards.

Responsible and sustainable business is important to us
We maintain high ethical standards, prioritize our employees’ safety and health, and emphasize environmentally sustainable operations.
Our goal is to provide responsible quality services to our customers. We select individuals and companies that uphold the same high ethical standards and principles as our partners, subcontractors and other stakeholders.
Our integrated quality, environmental and occupational management system complies with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards.
Compliance with the law
We always comply with all relevant laws and regulations.
Inappropriate incentives
We do not offer, allow or provide improper benefits to officials or other third parties to influence them in the execution of their official duties to gain or retain business or other advantage. This applies regardless of whether the benefit is offered directly or through intermediaries.
We do not directly or indirectly fund political parties or organisations, current politicians or candidates for political office.
Conflict of interests
We do not create relationships that may give rise to a actual or perceived conflict of interest with SOL. Business or personal, financial or other interests must not be interconnected to closely related parties.
Gifts, hospitality and expense coverage
We do not give or accept gifts directly or indirectly from external individuals or companies, except for promotional gifts of small value (up to EUR 100), which usually bear the company logo.
There must be a clear business purpose for hosting SOL employees at events, lunches, dinners and parties. Hospitality expenses must remain within reasonable limits. SOL shall bear the travel, accommodation and other expenses of SOL employees related to such hospitality, unless otherwise agreed (subject to the approval of the Board member).
We do not provide hospitality, cover expenses, offer or accept gifts or other benefits during procurement processes.
Child labour
We do not recruit children under the age of 15. Where a child is guaranteed the right to education, leisure time, holidays and family life, individual exceptions may be made provided that they are clearly in the child’s best interests.
Forced labour
We do not employ or recruit people against their free will nor do we require employees to deposit their identity documents as collateral when they take up employment.
Freedom of association
We recognise employees’ right to be (or refuse to be) members of trade unions and to be represented in collective agreements.
Working hours
In organizing our employees’ work, we comply with laws regulating work and rest time.
We ensure that our employees are paid a fair wage. We pay wage taxes and overtime is compensated in accordance with legal requirements.
Employee treatment and prohibition of discrimination
We treat all employees equally and fairly. We do not tolerate harassment or discrimination in any form. We recognize, respect and comply with the principles prohibiting discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, religion, political views, nationality, ethnic background, social origin, social status, indigenous status, disability, age, trade union membership or employee representation.
We do not tolerate, support or advocate psychological, physical, sexual or verbal abuse, intimidation, threats or harassment.
Ensuring the protection of personal data
We collect, process and store personal data of employees, clients or other stakeholders only in accordance with the relevant legislation.
We operate according to internationally recognized environmental protection principles and aim to continuously improve ourselves. Our operations comply with national environmental legislation and pollution permits.
We work towards achieving energy efficiency, reduction of harmful emissions and waste production.
We are committed to working towards a healthy work environment and safe as well as secure behaviour through continuous improvement, in line with internationally recognised health and safety management principles and practices and relevant legislation.
Reporting misconduct
If there is suspicion of conduct violating the law, data processing rules, or the SOL Principles, it must be reported immediately to your supervisor or to SOL simply and securely by completing the form below.
SOL ensures that reported violations are investigated in accordance with our values, processes and laws. We do not tolerate discrimination or retaliation against employees who report suspected violations in good faith.
More than 800 satisfied customers
Working with SOL has reduced the need to deal with day-to-day maintenance issues. SOL's services are worry-free and reliable, which is particularly important in an area where problems can accumulate quickly.
Communication is vital to any successful collaboration and has proven effective between our teams. The SOL team is responsive, professional and quick to resolve any issues.
The collaboration between Audentes and SOL involves not just routine cleaning or addressing challenges but also emphasises prevention and flexibility. When it comes to special cleaning or tidying up at competitions and events that don't fit into the normal work schedule, SOL is always ready to help. Help is just a phone call away.
SOL's environmentally friendly solutions, such as chemical-free cleaning and biodegradable supplies, support our goals.